Welcome Guest, posting in this forum requires registration. Forum » WinterSun Forums » General Discussion / Ideas » Here bc of memories ;-; Im here bc I suddenly remembered this game. Its been so long since I even thought of this game. Think my name in-game is Alfred or something. I'm glad to see that the game is still running even if it seems less active. I was ~14 when I was into this game? Maybe 15. I'm turning 20 now, crazy I remember my password tbh. Just wanted to say thanks for all the hours of fun I got out of this! Wait thats right I stopped playing bc the password recovery was broken for a hot second lol. Damn, I'm in the same boat, man. Crazy how much time has passed since I last played and how much time I spent in this game. I found it back when I was in middle school. Out of high school now. Great times and great memories. Thanks everyone and Ian for all the awesome times. And of course sorry to all those people I killed and insulted. I'll always remember this game. And I hope that it continues to grow and get updated more. Maybe me and many others will come back one day. Thank you, WinterSun. Official WinterSun Facebook page: This game truly brings back a lot of memories for me as well. I played during the Guardians/Ejercito era with Dravicus, Volkuru, EnderGuy25, ApexDeus, Hambo, Cibi, and many others. Good times. Stay alive, WinterSun. A tree never hits an automobile except in self-defence
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Topic: Here bc of memories ;-;
Here bc of memories ;-;
on: September 6, 2018, 20:22 Quote
Re: Here bc of memories ;-;
on: September 6, 2018, 20:32 Quote
Edit: Seems like it works but it just gives an error tho
Re: Here bc of memories ;-;
on: September 8, 2018, 23:54 Quote
Re: Here bc of memories ;-;
on: November 27, 2018, 15:15 Quote
Pages: [1]